Monday, August 22, 2011

Poopy Peas & A Great First Day!!

Well lets see! Today was a crazy day to say the least, First of all I have been running on 3hrs of sleep thanks to my nerves. I was such a wreck last night thinking about Aaron's first day of school at a new campus. But despite all of my worrying he did great and had a great day!!!! When asked what his favorite part of the day was he started out with lunch, recess, science and then went on to say that everything was his favorite. LOL!
Meanwhile while Aaron was having a great day at school back at the house I was constantly looking at the clock to see what time it was because I was so ready to hear how his day went. If your a mom with school age kids I am sure you are more than aware of what I was going through today. LOL! Ashley on the other hand had a very unexpected surprise for me today. I decided that for her lunch today I would give her English Peas( for the first time) along with her with her baby sausages. After putting them on her tray I stood there to see what she would do with them. At first she looked at them with this wrinkled up look on her face like she was thinking what in the world has mom given me now. She finally picked some up and started squishing them around still trying to figure out if it was safe or not to try whatever mom (I) had put on her tray. Then after a second she decided she would venture out and try them. She seemed to do okay with them and finally started to eat her lunch. So being a mom and having other things to do I went on with my to do list while she was busy with lunch. I was in my room doing some things and decided she had had enough time to finish her lunch (not to mention that the giggles I heard coming from the kitchen cluing me in)and went to go clean her up. I walked around the corner and into the kitchen and instantly got a whiff of something ripe (a.k.a a poopy diaper around my house). So not thinking anything of it or the green mush all over her and her tray (because she had peas) I picked her up and went straight to her room with her for the clean up process. If you're thinking this is going where I am sure many moms have been you're most likely right!!! Needless to say I quickly realized that it was not just green peas mushed everywhere but oh yes green poo!!!!! At that point all I could say was OMG! OMG! OMG! While thinking where in the world do I even begin to get this cleaned up. No worries though I quickly jumped back into action and went straight for the tub with her. LOL! She is now all squeaky clean and smelling good!!! Thank goodness!!!! Stay tuned for the next adventure at the Guenther Zoo!!!!!


  1. Awesome, thanks for the laugh !

  2. Ewww! You poor Mama! Just today, while taking a shower, I was thinking about how nice it was to FINALLY have some alone time! Not a moment after thinking that, I heard heard Audrey outside of the door saying, "Mama! Clay took my seat on the couch!" AGH! Bless us Mommies!

  3. Heidi, I know how that feels. Aaron always seems to need something right about the time I start getting ready to shower or for heavens sake pee in peace. lol!! Thankful that school has started back so atleast I get a couple of private moments back in my day. Will be praying that u to can have atleast one quiet/ private moment in yor day even if it is only 5 minutes. :)
